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We created the concept and design for LASY’s album, possibly the craziest techno-Gabber band in Poland.


Idea: Adam Chyliński, Beata Czurakowska
Art direction: Adam Chyliński
Photography: Beata Czurakowska
Photo assist: Kacper Skoczylas
Design: Adam Chyliński, Weronika Cyganik, Matylda Awdziejczyk, Krystian Tyrański
Location: Kashubian Ethnographic Park in Wdzydze
Record vinyl photoset: Matylda Awdziejczyk
Location: Rehersal rooms of LASY
Client: LASY / S7 Records


Art Direction

The band LASY moves within the Gabber scene – a distinctive subgenre of club electronic music that flourished in the 90s in Belgium and the Netherlands.

Gabber is not just a music genre but also a lifestyle, fashion, and dance, all deeply connected to the music itself.


Our creative concept was based on assigning the musicians extraterrestrial attributes and granting them supernatural powers.

LASY are two Gabbers whose origins remain a mystery. It is unknown whether they are extraterrestrial beings or the result of genetic modifications caused by the strong winds of Pomerania. One thing is certain – they have mastered the ability to create sounds of unparalleled energy. Hidden deep within the Kashubian forests, along with their sect of disciples, they explore the secrets of spiritual growth that emerge from the power of music. Their mission is to surpass the 999 BPM threshold, which will allow them to unite with the absolute and dissolve their earthly forms, becoming the pure essence of sound.

Photo session

The translation of this creative concept into the album’s design was achieved through a photo session we conducted in one of Poland’s ethnographic parks. The photographs became the central visual element of the album's artwork, complemented by custom graphics that formed a cohesive visual identity for the project.